Monday 20 June 2011

Eight Great Dating Tips for Men

Dating Tip 1 - Hygiene
Prepare yourself physically - looks, appearance and how you portray yourself to the world. If you are selling your car the first thing to do is to wash and clean it to present it in the best light. When selling your house you tidy and de-clutter in order to attract the right buyer at the right price. Think about dating as selling yourself. The first (and the easiest) step on the dating journey is to get the physical aspects right - take a blinkers-off look at yourself as others see you, starting with your hygiene. This is a major red flag for women if it's not at an acceptable level.
Dating Tip 2 - Appearance
Keep your dating blinkers off and look at your appearance:
·         Your body - happy with it? If not why should she be?
·         Your clothes - are they clean and suit the situation you find yourself in?
·         Your habits - some you know you do, others are unconscious. Red flags all!!!
·         Your interests - are you interesting to be with? Women date interesting men.
·         Your ambitions - women like to date ambitious men.
·         Your independence - if she sees you can't look after yourself you can't look after her!
Get these first two tips right and you will be ahead of most of your dating rivals.
Dating Tip 3 - Emotional Baggage
Get your mind right - get in dating mode. De-clutter your mind and overcome the mental barriers to success that everyone carries around with them, especially when dating. Remove any baggage you might have - poor self image created by previous dating or life experiences or the residual effects of a past relationship. Next let go of this baggage and leave it behind. If you were looking to buy something, would you give it a second glance if it had obvious flaws or looked like someone else had used it? Why should she look at you if you have obvious flaws?
Dating Tip 4 - Confidence
Baggage often causes a lack of confidence and this is very debilitating when dating - nothing attracts a woman like confidence. Deep down (or even near the surface!) women are often looking for someone to look after them. If you appear confident and able to cope with any situation you immediately become very attractive to a large number of women especially if there are no other red flags. Know what confidence is and how you can develop an air of confidence as a major step in wowing a large number of women.
Dating Tip 5 - Conversation Skills
Make the most of the things you have to make you more interesting and exciting. Know how to make conversation, both what to talk about and, more importantly, how to hold a conversation that leaves your date wanting to talk to you more. This does not just involve talking! There is a secret in being an excellent conversationalist and the secret is this - everyone's (and I mean everyone!) number one topic of conversation is himself or herself. So when talking with anyone you want to engage with is to talk and ask questions about their favourite subject - themselves! Easy! Add to that some topics everyone has in common and some tools to keep the conversation flowing and you are ready to be interested and interesting.